In a rather ticklish turn of events... It's finally happening. Ladies, gentlemen, Mamabito fans and long-time followers alike...

Start barking.
(link in replies!!)

15 186

I don't throw this term around lightly, but if there's any one character in the Mamabito cast that I had to label a "cutie-patootie", it would be Nanabito.

So let's do this! Friday! 2,200 followers! More Grammabito and the reveal of Nanabito! Spread the word, LET'S GOOOoooo

2 20

How about 's Mamabito? She's quite the cute milf~

0 5

I love that I drew Leif & Molly actually emoting in the latest Mamabito comic instead of their default ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° faces from Memories of Arcadia and no one said a dang word about it

6 38

I went from 1 to 2 with Mamabito *alone*

I mean... LOOK AT HER

4 48

My Spirit Scout's lilies-of-the-valley put those of Mamabito, my Animal Crossing OC, to shame.

3 39

Happy Mother's Day!! Would you believe I've never drawn Mamabito wearing mom jeans? That changes today!! Lookin' good, Renée!

58 297

There's quite a bit more Mamabito content planned for the future, since I left quite a few loose ends! We still haven't been properly introduced to Papabito, there's the matter of saying goodbye to Arcadia once again, and then, there's this name Mitzi brings up on Pg.24...

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Mamabito: Memories of Arcadia - Pg.27 -END-

8 66

As for why there are no palm trees on the beach... Mamabito only just moved in! The player character has always been responsible for planting coconuts on the beach. They don't grow natively! YOU have to do it!

0 7

Random trivia: I've been actively placing trees throughout Memories of Arcadia based on Mamabito's approximate location, just like in-game.

The further north she is (near the train station), there's more cedar trees. The further south (closer to the beach), more/all hardwood.

1 16

Happy New Year from the one and only Mamabito!! Here's to a wonderful 2021!!

... please drink responsibly 🥂

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Some of you might recognize this exact outfit! I drew Mamabito wearing these very clothes back in April! It's finally time to bring them out!

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