Here I am, back again with a new drawing of the one and only Mammon, in clothes I think he should be wearing in the human world :))

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finally done with this, took me so much time huhu,, T^T BUT THE NEW EVENT LOOKS SO CUTE SO I HAD TO FINISH IT LMAO-

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I remember doing this for nigthmare bunny event last year xD

You can see the post on my instagram too!

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I wanted to draw him with/as a cat because of the audio drama with Satan 🥺

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My take on his character song!
The other side of "Are you Ready?"

We all know about his funky and funny side, but how about the side of him only you could see?
Are you ready for it? 😳

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HAPPY (late :'v) BIRTHDAY MAMMONNN🎂🎊🎉🎊🎊🎂🎊🎊🎉🎊🎊🎂🎊🎂🎉

But aye, better l8 then never amirite “ψ(`∇´)ψ

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My fanart of this boyyo cause its his bornday toddayyy🎉🎉✨✨✨🤧

Happy bornday to our boyyo mammon🎉🎉✨🤧♥️

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Soft boi time! Things are really chaotic but I want to stay positive! If any of you need to talk to someone about literally anytjing, feel free to chat me up! Mammon offers you a heart in this trying time. Please accept uwu

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Mammon terminado! Pido perdón por el coloreado porque es lo que menos me gusta hacer y como que no tenía muchas ganas de colorear nada HAHAHAHAHA

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