Last night's drawn on phone + app and Go +

Long day so zoned out after 90 mins. May come back to both later....

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2nd day, and prompt of the day was: „cannon“
2 robots drawn, 29 more to come

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Skuttle, skuttle! Klakka, Klack! Some more TKP spider tank doodlein'. Jeindel manufactured Late 4th gen Polemon light tank.

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Today's theme is SHOCKED, but I have no robots that have been shocked, for my robots are often prepared for dealing with humans. So the closest to 'shocked' are these sculptures used in the horror movie 'Hellbenders' that certain has shocking moments

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Getting involved in the meme. Starting with an awesome one from
+ robot version for
Got some 'Draw this in your style' stuff from other artist you'd like to see me draw? send it to me in a pm.

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March of the Robots - Day 14: Search
While the Explorer Units where originally created to scout out resources, many have seem to have opted to continue their adventures in there own without coming back🗺

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March of the Robots - Day 13: Drill
I swear the Mother Factory that produces these machines are manufacturing WAY too many🐰

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March of the Robots - Day 12: Throne
To say that It’s majesty is one with its throne, would in no way be an exaggeration👑

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