🌼Seeing Cottagecore and watching Marimite is tempting me to make a comic🌿

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Sabe quando você uma imagem e entende a referência?
No mundo do yuri temos vários exemplos:
1. Kannazuki no Miko e o encerramento clássico.
2. Marimite e a arrumadinha no laço.
3. Utena e a retirada da espada.
E o novo queridinho é o encerramento de Revue Starlight.

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Começamos a semana falando de um clássico yuri:
Maria-sama ga Miteru (ou Marimite, para os íntimos)

Você sabia que o anime é inspirado em uma light novel? Ela tem um total incrível de 39 volumes!

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Srta. Natália, eu gostaria de recomendar-lhe Lucky Star. Esta é uma obra muito engraçada sobre o estilo de vida Otaku. Ela faz ótimas piadas de animes famosos, como Marimite, Initial D e Harumi Suzumiya, e possui personagens fofinhas e cativantes. É do estúdio Kyoto Animation.

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For as much as I like yuri, it's hard not to notice how often it's all about cis women. Seeing a series as classic and influential as Marimite tell a character who looks like me that she's welcome among the cast is a lot, even if the extent of that welcome remains to be seen.

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I finally got to the trans girl in Marimite and... I'm kind of shook at how spot on her depiction is? The joy in her eyes when she presents femme, the tears at having to deadname herself, the flood of emotion when someone calls her valid... and nobody makes fun of her for it...

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today on marimite: the main character receives less attention from her girlfriend than usual and as a result has an emotional breakdown where she assumes she's unlovable and that their relationship is over and WOW this show finally decided to laser target me huh

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新刊「MARIMITE de ALTERNATIVE X」何とか入稿しました。最後は有給休暇を3日使ってしまいました…課長、すみません(笑)

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Hoy he terminado de revisionar (he perdido la cuenta de las veces que la he visto ya) María sama ha miteru y reafirmo que es una joya del anime inigualable. Va directa al corazón. 💗

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i love marimite so much UGH. i know everyone's marimite phase ended like 60 years ago but it tore open my asshole (heart) and it's been an open, festering wound since i first watched it

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入稿しました!今回は珍しく〆切21時間前、オンライン入稿も便利になりました…という事で新刊は「MARIMITE de ALTERNATIVE VIII」表紙は水野蓉子少佐、頒布価格は300円です。次は少し休んでポップと値札、作らないと…

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Я вдруг решила твитнуть рисунок
Кроссовер Хусеков и Marimite

Фон сасатб

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i've been crying while reading marimite fanfics w the ost on, i could barely draw without screaming every 2 seconds

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[Moe bot][#28012] Daily Marimite Yōko and Sei [Maria-sama ga Miteru]

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