I really want to debate people on this site but no matter what response I give to a tweet, I barely ever engage in talking with them in depth about certain issues. I don't care who it is, SacaJaWaya, 90's alternative right, Markism founded by Tommy's friend, I just want to talk

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【058】La knabino perdinte la vojon rimarkis, ke antaŭ ŝi staras tre bela knabino. / 道に迷ったその少女は、自分の前にとても美しい少女が立っていることに気が付いた。

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So since I'm working on a new comic, I wanted roll Harvest and Markis into the story. But I kind of hated drawing Harvest, didn't like his hair. I think I finally found a style I can draw over and over. I know I said that before but, just look at him!

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So this started off as a warm up for one of my comic pages and I really ended up loving it. According to my best friend what is Being said is:
Harvest: So...2 Oddly phallic sausage biscuits?
Markis: Bitch, I said Three!

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I almost feel like a real comic maker what with my planning of plot and whatnot. Dear Markis, stop being so easy to draw. I have to wonder if he smokes in his sleep...

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man you guys changed games from ultimate chicken horse, but im still gonna draw the rest of you guys <3

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After 8 hours of livestream and some quick art later! Ethan's wild locks are thing to behold 😄😋

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and these are the last ones unless someone asks for any! Hope you like them!

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alrighty Chica's time of representation and acceptance begins now!(Bundling to reduce spam. Let me know if I missed any!)

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I can't be the only one who "d'awwwww"'d hard at this... I had to draw it! <3

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