De los mejores personajes modernos que ha creado Marvel. Lean sus comics, son buenisimos. Lastima que la serie haya dejado mucho que desear.
Si Marvel fuera basado: hagamos una serie animada de Kamala Khan tomando como referencia el estilo visual de sus comics 🤑

8 59

it isn't weird with courtney especially since he always said "he" will meet with courtney when he was captain marvel. he never dated with her as cap so i don't understand why y'all always bring this up

4 83

I’m interested to see how Gunn’s DCEU will handle Captain Marvel. Like it will definitely be a different guy playing him because they’re definitely firing Levi. Hope his characterization isn’t Johns’s kinda of man child like persona.

2 20

¡OJO! Keanu Reeves dice que siempre quiso interpretar a WOLVERINE (Lobezno) de Marvel.

16 98

Four years after Disney acquired much of 20th Century Fox, it's now setting up a comics imprint for the company's biggest franchises.
And its with Marvel.
Aliens, Predator, Planet of the Apes, and possibly much much more comics will be under the name 20th Century Studios.

7 23

Para empezar, yo no soy ninguna experta en Marvel. Me gusta mucho y he leído mucho pero no soy una erudita.
Sin embargo, he leído mucho Loki y todos sabemos quien es el romance más conocido de Loki en los comics: Amora, también conocida como Encantadora o Enchantress.

0 1

Reminder for that Storm will fuck your fave up with no apologies. This woman loves kicking people in faces, elbowing knees (who does that?!), stabbing, shooting lightning, and stabbing again for good measure. Ya girl the cleanest dirty fighter in Marvel.

68 232

O upgrade da Mary Marvel.

27 1212

Creo que este es mi cap. favorito.
Tras el multiverso de la ciencia y el de la magia, los protas llegan al de los arquetipos, donde viven ideas básicas de los personajes marvel.

Y nube se queda allí, creando el arquetipo de la gente no binaria, inexistente hasta entonces

0 2

Platino 110
Un gran trabajo de ambientación y una historia interesante llena de chascarrillos y referencias que sacarán más de una sonrisa a los fans de la marca Marvel.
Una lástima que el combate sea tan simplón y aburrido y que las decisiones apenas tengan impacto en la trama.

0 2

Bishop. (created by the legend )
Yes, I know the "M" is a tattoo, but I always thought it would be cooler as a scar.
Dude is in my top 5 all time fave X-Men.
Shame I'll never work for Marvel. I'd rock the X.

0 3

Throughout the time I’ve been seeing Marvel movies, only two have moved me. These are my “turned the tide” and changed the landscape for Marvel. One was Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the other surprisingly is Spider-Man: No Way Home.

0 3

There's something I'm confused about with the woke mob. If they want representation, why do they keep making gay, female or POC characters absolutely insufferable? And this is just Marvel. Many more cases are out there

7 50

Talking a lot about Euro Comics to give US audiences more content to look into, of course US Comics are far bigger than only DC/Marvel. Does anyone know this US comic named Rogue Sun from Image Comics? It deserves a chance too. can be read online.

0 2

15-Personaje infravalorado.
Ojalá les diesen más historias a Cámara y Bum-Bum, los adoro.
Mención especial también a Daimon Hellstrom, el Constantine de Marvel.

0 1

And finally, Kamala Khan.

Miss Marvel. Young Avenger.

The last Captain Marvel.

9x12" acrylics on 300g paper.

This is the 6th and last, from my series of "Captain Marvel" themed pieces. All available. Will post them 2gether, soon.


13 56

Carol Danvers.

Miss Marvel. Binary. Warbird.

Captain Marvel.

9x12" acrylics on 300g paper. The scan is a bit darker than i would have liked.

This piece, like the others, is available. DM me or contact

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16 72

Monica Rambeau.

Space-faring, Jazz-loving Leader of The Avengers.

Captain Marvel.

9x12" acrylics on 300g paper.

This piece, like the others, is available. DM me or contact

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53 126


Pela primeira vez na história desse país, nós do Jamesons fomos chamados para uma cabine de imprensa da Marvel.

Gostaria de agradecer a Disney e a pelo convite.

Significa demais pra gente esse reconhecimento 🥰

40 1874


Foi revelada uma nova capa variante de Immoral X-Men onde vemos o Conselho Silencioso batalhando com outras figuras do universo Marvel.

Todd Nauck é o artista responsável.

9 43