//=time() ?>
No es mucho, pero es trabajo Honesto.
btw dalas nada personal, tómatelo como un fanart (?) https://t.co/sENvRyfVoO
Pirates practiced gay marriage through a practice called "matelotage". In 17th & 18th c. #pirate society, two men could join into matelotage, share all their plunder, and even receive death benefits! Pirate mates exchanged gold rings & lived together.
#folklorethursday #pride
More #Gift #Art: Alexis the #UltimatelovelyHeart
Based of some #RP with @OurUltimateGold
It's a scene shortly after she made a contract with #Vampire!#IzuruKamukura .
Pokemon Fusion [ENG:Abott] / [Fr:Abloutre] 🔄💖
PFusion Eng: Dewott/Absol
PFusion Fr: Mateloutre/Absol
Line Art: https://t.co/q9CUqCSlUB
Colo: https://t.co/NowTLVF4Vm
#Pokemon #PokemonFusion #PokeFusion #Absol #abott #dewott #mateloutre #abloutre
Ps: Use of ref
@ArchivosDeIzzy ¡Claro, no te preocupes, Izzy, tómatelo con calma, que no hay prisas!
Matelots, Engelmann & Cie, Brasiliana Itaú Collection https://t.co/r3Ges5m2xC #wikidata #digitalart #print (Palette: #BlueWhiteBlack) 🖌🎨
Midway through Pride month, meet pirate captain Bartholomew Roberts, the most successful pirate in the Golden Age! Look into Matelotage and teach yourself that it was a common practice among pirates, for time some ass complains about gay pirates not being "realistic"
#TwitterNtaxes paque haces de chongo si te quedas de pared eh @Azucar_1018 (es solo un chiste tómatelo de que eres muy grande muy grande y solido)
quiere llevarte algo incomodo para después reírte y decir que pedo paso pues rolea con migo tara chido https://t.co/D4HxnRJVHZ
Dans les années 1930 et après la #2GM, l’essentiel des maisons closes est situé dans le quartier du quai de la Fosse, rue des Trois-Matelots, rue d’Ancin et rue des Marins à #Nantes.
La faune du quai, René-Yves Creston, 1932
Thread #CollectionsMHN #DansNosCollections (1/4)
The Captain and his Matelot #漫画 #やおい #ザ・パイレーツ!バンド・オブ・ミスフィッツ #pbom https://t.co/pOaOHfriKu
Il mondo non si merita Tae. Lui é davvero una persona speciale, ci ama e ci mette sempre al primo posto in tutto 💜💜 Amatelo tanto perché é ciò che si merita davvero. Lui così dolce e con gli occhi sempre lucidi quando ci guarda. Trovare una persona come lui, é difficile ❣️
En Matelot (série "Relief de #Confinement", suite du journal) [A4] ; #encre & #acrylique sur #papier #ABA @abaatelier24 #autoportrait #selfportrait
Mateloutre vient du verbe "mater" un film de Noël, de "telephone" pour appeler le père Noël, et de "poutre" ou l'on accroche les guirlandes de Noël.
Historians have uncovered evidence that pirates practiced gay marriage, which they called matelotage. Male partners would exchange gold rings & vow to share everything they plundered, & also fulfill each other's physical/romantic needs. #WyrdWednesday
Matelots... la mer est agitée mais le Seigneur est généreux, car il a permit qu’ensemble, nous puissions contempler l’horizon. Et il est radieux...