Today’s Metroid dread manual creature is the Klaida!

82 471

Today’s Metroid dread manual creature is the X-parasite!

57 428

Confronting the Nightmare -

1477 4939

On ne le dit pas assez, mais merci aux artistes qui participent au qui nous livrent quotidiennement depuis début mai de superbes œuvres !

En voici quelques-unes, mais n'hésitez pas à fouiller sur Twitter grâce à ce hashtag pour trouver de nombreuses pépites !

4 26

I drew the Torizo Crateria room from Super Metroid. The fight that made me scared of every Chozo Statue ever since.

180 1042

Didn't have time to draw a new prompt for today, so I'll repost these

7 50

15) Infection

I caught up.
That sorry excuse for a blob is supposed to be an X...
Can you guess what was the primary inspiration fornthe pose?

51 179