Thick forest with a meandering river in the early morning.

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Grand cliffs with a meandering river after a rain storm.

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Snowcapped mountains with a meandering river.

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Snowcapped mountains with a meandering river in the early morning light.

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Mountain peaks with a meandering river in the early morning.

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Forest mountain landscape with a meandering river under a night sky.

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Forest with a meandering river during a storm.

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Snowcapped mountains with a meandering river during a storm.

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Snowcapped mountains with a meandering river at night.

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well, 2022 is over


although i never experienced the satisfaction of minting out one of my own collections

or the thrill of truly wild secondary sales volume

i've had a lot of fun connecting, collaborating, contributing to the scene

here are some meandering reflections 🧵

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Alpine landscape with a meandering river in the early morning.

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This is where you'll be spending your New Year's.

And the rest of 2023. And the rest of eternity. Because after I'm done melting you into a soupy meat sludge and pumping you along the meandering depths of my intestines, your new permanent form will be a layer of belly pudge.

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My two days of meandering in the South Parish section of Cork City were drizzly and grey, affording only a few opportunities to stop and draw on the sidewalks. this house which was once the home of Wm and Kate Connelly Crowley in the mid 1800s, my 3rd great grparents.

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Jagged mountains with a meandering river under a cloudy sky.

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Forest landscape with a meandering river under aurora.

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Just one prompt here and a bunch of scalar settings. No keyframes, prompt interpolation, etc. Just a sampler taking a meandering stroll through the neighborhood of a fixed prompt with a weak conditioning weight

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Mountain range with a meandering river under a rainbow.

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