Badass cosplay from /u/zephronica!!! We love a democratic goddess and some cosplay activism 👏

21 76

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor, cant be a fence sitter with this one

523 1246

message on heroism used to move me. Today I'm disappointed to see that the sentiment doesn't translate into real life.

As Mei would say: "Our world is worth fighting for", and that includes the people living in it.

391 890

Just a quick drawing because in banning people for supporting

Just letting you know Supports protests in Hong Kong!

9 40

Fuck China, fuck Let's do this y'all. Let's make a thinggg

45 193

If you bought a ticket already, DONT REFUND IT. Dress in black, or in Mei HK cosplay. Go to every panel and event. Disrupt.

212 708

I can. But we must stand strong cause the world is worth fighting for

114 327

Blizzard banned pro Hearthstone winner for supporting free Hong Kong and took away his prize money. It would be SUCH A SHAME if Mei became a symbol of Hong Kong democracy and got banned in China like Pooh did

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