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kawanbabu Hii! I’m looking for some mutuals aka kawanbabu to fillup my timeline. AR60 i’m a Navia and Neuvillette main! I go by she/her as pronounce. Yang gak masalah sama akun unlabeled, I also playing and talk a lot about LADS too! lets be moots hehehe <3 Oh iya (cont..)

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Tehe! Hai! mau nyari interactive genshinmoots to fill up my timeline yang gamasalah sama akun gado2 -s. I’ll go by she/her & legal, no zhongli no life. homophobic dni ya 🫶🏻. i will love your rep and follow with ava baizhi

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Hi, I'm looking for kawanbabu to fill my timeline. I'm searching for someone who doesn't mind with a new account, unlabeled acc, legal age, play Genshin and HSR. I am a Neuvillette mains, AR60 Asia. I don't mind with any ship and also hype anime sometimes. Leave a (cont..)

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Amidst all the iffy news, Kouki announcing publicly that he's actively working on Yui's Unlimited timeline story (post-anime/LN) brings a tear to my eye. That's my goat winning right there.

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Konbanwa! I'm looking for interactive and longterm kawanbabu to brighten up my timeline karna udah sepi bgt kek hati (o≧▽゜)o /jk

minor dni dlu yeah, unlabeled acc kek nasi campur alias suka kpop, baca webtun, nonton animek🤏, rl thingy, and this user bucin (cont..)

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HEMLOOO ^_^ aku lagi cari kawanbabu buat ngisi timeline akuuuuu :3c but please read my (super-duper messy) fcv first okaaaay ☀️ by the way, arlefuri lobers get a freepass! pleaseeepleaseplease be my friend (begging)

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good evening im searching for kawanbabu to liven up my timeline ✩ heres smol kazu as my offer pls take it ^___^ sudah legal dan go by any pronouns. my faves are kazuha, heizou, albedo n furina. accku unlabeled tapi kadang bahas jjk jadi kalau ga masalah reply aja ya (cont..)

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babu! tidak sabaarr mengetahui lebih banyak tentang fatui dan harbringer... salah satu organisasi yg menurutku menarik bgt both the organization and the individuals 🥹 btw ini dari epoch winter: tales of the fatui di yt hamelin https :// youtu. (cont..)

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My Artstyle timeline meme entry trend

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HAAAIIII ‼️ i'm looking for new kawanbabu who can fill the emptiness of my timeline... t___t but please read this messy friendship cv of mine first okaaay :3c drop anything in the comment if you wanna be fwends! see ya, soon to be mutuals 🌟

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Alt timeline where Finn continued to be a hencman adn Marceline is an evil Vampire Queen

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HELLO!! Let me offer baby Gaming as an invitation to find kawanbabu to brighten up my timeline :3 A little information about me, my account is unlabeled! I go by any pronouns, legal age, Gaming && Neuvi main. Leave any traces or today's TMI and i'll hit you up‼️

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karyababu by sender fem!Thoma 🫶

sekalian mau cari kawanbabu untuk memenuhi timeline sender yang sangat kering. homophobic dni ya. clorinde stan & wriorinde enjoyers got free pass!! yang nggak masalah kalau sender hype yang lain juga. thankyouu!!

12 41

[AK-SS] The Ocean Continues to Rise (omake)

Inevitable omake.

Continued timeline from: https://t.co/WEwCpjXH9d

Full: https://t.co/jO5RtxS1f1

SUPPORT ME@: https://t.co/PcgiWap6sZ

36 378

[AK-SS] The Ocean Continues to Rise (7/7)

"Memories of the Shard" <--[equipped]

Continued timeline from: https://t.co/WEwCpjXH9d

Full: https://t.co/jO5RtxS1f1

SUPPORT ME@: https://t.co/PcgiWap6sZ

38 396

[AK-SS] The Ocean Continues to Rise (6/7)

Inevitable waifu.

Continued timeline from: https://t.co/WEwCpjXH9d

Full: https://t.co/jO5RtxS1f1

SUPPORT ME@: https://t.co/PcgiWap6sZ

38 371