I'm so excited to watch the new Tokyo Mew Mew! Waiting for my friend to watch it after work!!! Here's some art spam in the meantime :D

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oye tú qué raros se ven los colores de Ichigo, me acabo de dar cuenta 😳 son mucho más vivos en realidad, acátá⬇️

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🍮Pudding🍮 (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Ayer pasé basicamente toda la tarde mirando la LLA y olvidé publicar así que me saltee un día uvu

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✨🍓new ichigo🍓✨
Tokyo mew mew was my first ever manga and anime I have consumed. I’m so excited for the anime to come out

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It’s some female bodies now. I’m kind of pleased with how ichigo turned out. The rest not really that much. I still have a lot of practice to do.

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💖💖 completed for instagram user tree_paddock888 of and (quiche) from the original 💖💖

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Got some more Mews for you guys! Be on the watch for them in the coming days! These are based on the little mini set of figures but with some changes.

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