i kinda see the appeal in jinseop/miae....

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He's so precious here, I didn't know miae was yelling no to him in the raw, Jungwookie a walking green billboard

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JSJAJSJJSJS miae offended bc cheol's reaction at their accidental kiss😭he's such a kid, he is avoiding her now sjsjs Miae is the most mature in these things and me thinking she would be the airhead between them

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what 🤨 miae?

7 115

Cheolmae fan kids concepts here

Miae's eyebrows are genetically dominant, I don't make the rules😌

(You can thank for this)

7 18

This moment always touches my heart cuz look at the way he gave in after looking at her😭 Miae is so cute and cheol always gives in to her cuteness 🥺 I want what they have

10 62

Nah, Soonkki needs to show us when did Cheol watched those "weird things" or how he came across it, clearly he was the one who knew and definitely experience it first hand all the while accusing Miae for it, funny as heck Cheol kim

7 74

He’s actually so full of himself did he really think Miae was trying to kiss him on purpose “as if” 💀

1 59

In the end the grumpy twin brother finally lock hand and help guide our little precious Hwang Miae, thanks you Grandpa Johan for lifting Miae's bag so she could run more easily without the weight on her back 🙏

2 39

Post chapter 88 this makes sense, to Miae love is pretending not to notice even tho it’s very obvious with cheol’s behaviour in chapter 88

1 40

Cheol seeing her as a girl and Miae seeing him as a friend🤭 it’s been like that since the beginning cheols always seen Miae as a girl

3 64

Baru selesai reread dan alasan gw demen banget sama ni manhwa karna bisa ngasi comfort feeling tiap selesai baca, emang chaos apa lagi miae childis parah, terus kehidupan smp mereka seru banget ga kaya gw yg flat dan ngerodi mulu dari SD,

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I think it goes like this
Cheol inviting Jisu to him and Miae's wedding ( and Jisu said he'll come if there's no groom, he'll fill the role )
Cheol : aren't u going to come ?
Jisu :

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