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nekito no conformista de genero, muy kinneable
We continued our journey beating the fourth and fifth gyms without problems and Miauricio managed to evolve! Then Capi (teddiursa), Megachavo (axew), Chad (clefairy), Chacarron (remoraid) and Endeavor (darumaka) joined the party!
We managed to catch the wild Rhyhorn and named him BonJovi, everyone hated him. Kimochii and Miauricio managed to evolved and then we caught Gabychu (pikachu), Anila (spiritomb) and Kenshin (panpour).
funny, reaction, lol, meme, sassy, leaving, black cat, im out, miau, gracioso, of course, hehehe, back up, cejas, wink wink, reaccion, hihihi, gato negro, backing up, you know what i mean, miauricio, loly in the sky, tehehe, dejare esto aqui, slowly walks away, lifts eyebrow…