Back at it again with the mh doodles
Now we got
Dire Miralis
Seeing these in would be incredible, but I won’t be surprised if they don’t get in (especially Dire Miralis)

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Today's monster is Dire Miralis, introduced in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

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-Dire Miralis
-Gore Magala
-Shagaru Magala

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"The Black Flame of the Calamity"
Dire Miralis icon in the Rise/Sunbreak art style, I really want him to make a comeback, one of my favorite monsters

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However, just as Dire Miralis is a semi-water animal that walks on land, not on deep seas like Ceadeus, just as Lagiacrus adapted its pattern from Monster Hunt Generations, Dire Miralis is also likely to appear by modifying its pattern.

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This was INSANELY tough, and I definitely have way more than 4 favs and they rotate for sure, but here's how I'm feeling right now. These all get huge boosts from me for being such creative foundations for designs.

Dire Miralis, Boltreaver, Magna, & several others were close.

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"The Smelting Calamity"
The surprise one !
I'm sorry for not post yesterday, I wasn't feeling good but it's all right now !
The Smelting Black Dragon, Dire Miralis !

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My Virgin Dire Miralis:

(which I respectfully disagree; I'm of the opinion of the Chad Miralis too).

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There are rumors that Dire Miralis can fully regenerate its entire body from its still-beating heart, but such rumors have never been confirmed and likely aren't true at all.

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A "Dire Dragongem" is a legendary gem that was formed from crystallized magma that was expelled from Dire Miralis's body. Even after being slain, Dire Miralis's heart continues to beat as if the monster still lives.

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Outside of talking about Brachydios and Dire Miralis, I'm both excited yet dreading to talk about the Regional Subspecies next week as well.

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マガイマガド 大剣×4 10'08
Magnamalo GreatSword×4




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here's my four favourite drawings from this year, and to show how much i've improved over this time.
Ballista: March 1st
Alatreon: July 6th
Fulghrom: August 24th
Dire Miralis: October 8th

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