Still messing with the colorizer thing. I think it is a great tool to create mood but I am not sure i can get it to color for me how i want. 🤔

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I'm trying to hack the Colorize feature, it's not going as planned, but I am having fun exploring XD

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I'm sorry I just posted a link and not a pretty picture to go WITH the link. I'll fix that now that I'm not on mobile.

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It's KER! :D Again! Might take next week off in updates because I'm going out of town! But after that, we start chapter 9! >:D

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I worked very hard on the background for this, and honestly, have always really liked the dynamic between these two. 🥺
If you love these two cuties, and wanna read the comic they are in, the link will be in the thread below!

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Chapter 9 is coming and I have a few introductions I need to make, so I am spending some time getting these character's to look and feel right. :>

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Some of you might not know it, but I'm actually part of the Aradia webcomic collective! It's a place to find and read comics with magical girls/boys/enbys and more!

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Time lapse video :D I wanted to try it out- I've had this sort of backstory idea kicking around, and I need to design a character soooo-

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Some edits in this chapter are very small, but they mean a lot to me since in the past I was too busy to flesh out the visual idea of what I wanted, but now that I'm going through these chapter by chapter I can fix things.

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A work in progress of an illustration I'm drawing and let's just say that Toby smiling is infectious and now I wanna draw him with ALL THE SMILES! ;v;/

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It's Halloween time! :D Enjoy my characters dressed up as other anime characters. Except Terrance. He's the "alien meme" guy. Because.... aliens.

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Gotta love a character who can show compassion but can also kill you if you get out of line. :3c

Antonio LeVasseur everyone.
(I've been touching up Ch. 4, can you tell?)

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I don't know about you guys, but when I have a good cry, my eyes are always red afterwards ._.

read my webcomic on

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One of my favorite things is when Jason blushes, or is cold, etc. His nose, ears, and cheeks all get red. There is no exception. Blush to the max.

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Hello! I'm Janaka, AKA. Darkhalo4321 and I create comics! The majority of the art I create is original content! My current comic is so feel free to check it out!

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