“Rest in Peace”
Guillermo Mordillo(1932.8.4—2019.6.29)known simply as Mordillo, was an Argentine creator of cartoons and animations and was one of the most widely published cartoonists of the 1970s.

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I will miss you Guillermo R.i.P
portrait by :

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Addio caro Adoravo le tue giraffe e le tue mucche sognanti!
E voi?

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Quand on a grandi dans les années 80-90 il est difficile d'oublier le style rond, discret et faussement simple de - Allez, voici une petite gribouille à la mémoire de cet artiste universel qui a, qu'on le veuille ou non, d'une certaine manière, forgé notre enfance...

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Mordillo - 1932-2019

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"Le dessinateur argentin Guillermo Mordillo décède à 86 ans" - El Païs

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I think he was more popular in Italy than the US but how many of you remember Mordillo? I loved his cartoons! Here is my Mordillo-inspired Shakespeare for my . I am now at over 50 portraits ! See them all at https://t.co/5romEDhmJn

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Some time ago, I did a whole bunch of enemy design for
For example, these cute armordillos that Reize will have to fight during his adventures.
You can see more about the game over at

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This lil' Armordillo got some love today. *stabstab*

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Oski, Quino, Mordillo,
A. Breccia, Sampayo,
S. Aragones, Altan, Schiafino,
Paiva, E Breccia & José Muñoz. Casi nada.

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Amazing photo of Argentinian cartoonists, Lucca 1977.
Top: Granja, Oski, Quino, Mordillo, A. Breccia, Sampayo... 1/2

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