October 5: A favorite set design

Fellini Satyricon (1969)

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Starting day 1 of with a Movie Poster I Really Like: Point Break.👌👌👌👌👌

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Day 13: A film that put you in deep thoughts. I think a little too deeply about a lot of films, but I want to mention this one as I think it dealt with something unusual but important - Balance. Not everything is black and white, and no one is only one thing.

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Day 30. Wow! It's been 30 days already. Crazy! Favorite ending I'm going to go Venus Wars. T2 (as I don't recognize anything after) & La La Land almost made the list. But I didn't have any anime on here. This ending sold this movie.

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day 12 - favorite horror movie in the woods

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Day 1: the first film you remember watching

Rescuers Down Under made me try running away because the kid just fuckin *left* and went on an adventure and I thought I could do that in nothing but a jacket, underwear, and pool shoes.

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Day 7 - Film I'll never get tired of: Trancers - A slice of sci-fi B-movie gold that I watch several times a year.

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Dag 8: Väldigt många dåliga filmer har bra musik men då det kommer till en vars soundtrack jag lyssnar ofta på så får det bli Man of Steel.

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So I found this and decided to to do this as well as the normal

Day 1 - the first horror movie you remember watching

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