
37 77


883 5621

bilibili 50 万フォロワーありがとうございます!私もしかしたら天才かもしれない?🥺
では、天才のファンへのご褒美として、今夜天才三人組と一緒に車を走らせよう。運転免許がない人が後部座席でしっかりシートベルトをしめてねε=ε=ε=(ノ ` ▽´)ノ

213 1432


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450 3409

Practicing coloring for now, and more chibi art with one of the pets from Muse Dash

2 12

Walk into a mysterious gallery and find that it only has blank canvases?!
To avoid the 5th anniv venue being the Emperor's New Gallery, the guests have to do something themselves!

>>>>>> Muse Dash 5th Anniv Fanwork Collection kicks off! <<<<<<

57 309

Muse Dash 五周年おめでとう!なに?今日で曲をシャボン玉テーマソングに変えて吹いたらオール金Sとれる?そんなことあるかよ!(╯°Д°)╯ ┻━┻

759 3320

[Muse Dash] Ola
He is so cute!! I just had to draw him!

Chibi of the Day style C♤MMS are OPEN on my K♤-FI

4 16