Happy Birthday Vincent Van Gogh!
Vincent van Gogh, Hand with Bowl and Cat 1885

16 23

Will Barnet - Minou-Study of Head, 1989

5 16

Kees Van Dongen - Women and Cats 1912

7 14

Cat Playing a Bagpipe, Book of Hours1460, Paris, MSM.0282, fol.133v.

9 11

Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth (Austrian, 1891-1978 ) - Two Cats, 1920's - Linocut

11 18

Will Barnet - Minou, Study of Head, 1989

4 10

Norbertine Bresslern-Roth, Angora Cat 1925

17 12

Agnes Miller Parker, The Cat and the Butterfly, 1939

15 19