I draw great Fight Scenes. I love coming up with the choreography and making the fights fit the characters while figuring out fighting styles, moves and abilities they would use. https://t.co/qdyMar7gNH

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Thanks 😊

⭐Finally quit the day job to pursue full time art 3 years ago
⭐Taught myself watercolour
⭐Turned crazy cat lady into a viable profession
⭐Created a series of wildcats for charity & donated over $7K to animal rescues during the pandemic

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I make kickass illustrations and pins etc that empower people with chronic illnesses like me! 😊💪

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taking another shot at creating a comic. Publishing 2 books, even with crippling self loathing. Learning to appreciate myself more. And finally learning to set healthy boundaries (still wip). Plus, still growing my creative skills

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Heard we were bragging so I made this Lucasona and I live her like she's my own daughter. That's it really. That's what I want to brag about.

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Having practiced for pretty much my whole life (currently 19yo), I'm a great artist. No, I'm not this good because I'm talented. I'm good because I've worked hard and learned all I can about art up until now. I love looking back to see how far I've come. https://t.co/r9Yne8HUt0

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Got mad INSANE books out or soon to be out that I wrote!

1 11

I worked my entire life to be a comic artist, and this year I got my oppotunity.

I feel that after this gig my art had a level up.

I feel my work deserves more attention, no matter what I do I just can’t seem to hit it, but, that has never stopped me, it never will.

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I'm a freelance digital Illustrator and completely self taught. Got almost 0 support starting out and had only 80 followers for three years. But in the last year I've not only reached 1500 insta followers, I'm making a living off of being an artist https://t.co/HcarQVfoNj

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Me and my bro Kandoken have done one of the most known and iconic art. This is a fanart and a lot of people think it's official artwork.

I believe some of you have see this art before.

Can we talk,


0 7


Me and my bro Kandoken have done one of the most known and iconic art. This is a fanart and a lot of people think it's official artwork.

I believe some of you have see this art before.

Can we talk, pls?!?
🤗👍🏻 https://t.co/IUxj1vlIbO

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I'm really good at painting characters, and I've built a successful commissions business out of it. Lately every time I open new slots they sell out in *seconds*

It still stuns me every time but I'm quite proud too, because I know how much work it took to get here

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This year chased a dream and roped a bunch of awesome creatives into a project I’ve been wanting to do forever.

This year, we’ve put out 2 books (soon 4), ran and fulfilled our 1st AND 2nd Kickstarters and started a damn good fantasy story. I’m proud of where we are.

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I ran a kickstarter for my debut comic work this year, I had just under 350 twitter followers at the time and no real writing presence past some fan fiction, we hit the funding goal of 2000 pounds in under 2 weeks and have received practically universal praise for it!~

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I've levelled up my coloring by a considerable amount in two years imo.

My attempt over a Wieringo/Guile Spidey from 2019 and the Spidey I colored this month

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is that last year I finally took the leap and became a freelance comic illustrator. It’s not been a smooth ride, but the people I’ve met and the stories I’ve been honored to draw, mean the world to me.

Oh, and I got to illustrate a Transformers cover!

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