Some drawings from earlier this year of Sonitusian WW1 pin-up girls. Respectively Infantry (Vires Me.1912), Militia (Tonnere Me.1899), and Rifled Ski Infantry (Aiguille Me.1915)

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Aside from Citadelfall, I also create designs for my Nationstates nation, Sonitusia. Here I came up with my own rendition of a turret rifle set for WW1 standards. Instead of using open bullets, now gun is loaded with sealed cartridges.

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The Boys™ started playing Nationstates again, and I decided to join because why not. Behold the leader of one of the newest nations of Supreme Death Hell, Fammy Taye Bukkit of the Holy Empire of Nostlevania, may she ascend to godhood on a mountain of survival food buckets.

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