Howdy! I'm Jú, ɑ young brɑziliɑn ɑrtist thɑt likes to drɑw girls ɑnd lɑndscɑpes! Lately I've been studying light and coloring.

And I'm working on a Manga! Links are fixed on my profile!

3 10

Howdy! I'm Jú, ɑ young brɑziliɑn ɑrtist thɑt likes to drɑw girls ɑnd lɑndscɑpes! Lately I've been studying light and coloring.

3 18

Howdy! I'm Jú, ɑ young brɑziliɑn ɑrtist thɑt likes to drɑw girls ɑnd lɑndscɑpes! Lately I've been studying light and coloring.

6 9