I've been reading this fic, "The green glow of the fireflies" on AO3 by nekoinblue, and I just nas to make something ♥️ first Given fanart, it was about time 😎👌#haruaki

41 143


3 20


My slime can take the shape of anything I please🐙

7 49

Y el dibujito de <3

Recordad que con 3000 Nekoins podeis conseguir un dibujo rapido <3

3 4

You may buy this Nekolotl for only 188 Lucky Nekoins.
You get 88 Lucky Nekoins each time you buy Adalotls at https://t.co/EhOsKprIcN.

For more information, join the Adalotls & Co. server here: https://t.co/CULBtumMA8

2 7

If you have saved up a few NeKoins, we are doing our first ever NeKoin exclusive drop over on our Discord! Check it out if you want this NekoLotl.


12 20

Clicking her teeth together while adding more power into the Rasengan.


The Rasengan creating a crater in the ground!


1 2

I'll defeat you with style!"

The beast woman now in a offensive position. Arms lifted so they covered her face.

"Evolo-kun, let's begin."


2 4

I hope you've been saving your NeKoins!

9 54

“It’s a shame they interrupted us, Erza Scarlet. You can call me Saber.”

8 10

I am now the happy owner of this Adalotl with Peter Pan hat and shark stuffie/stuffy, both items I badly wanted! Thank you to Prozex for this trade!

Everyone, you can still buy your here: https://t.co/xbS41aS9ti

With each 'lotl, you get free 88 Lucky Nekoins!

0 7