C96で販売した[ Nereis EP ]を

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"Abstract Series B6" by dianereising. MIXED MEDIA, OIL via .

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"Abstract Series B6" by dianereising. MIXED MEDIA, OIL via .

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Duygu Özpolat presents this year’s 3rd Annual Jim Stowers Memorial Lecture during

Her topic: the cellular origins of germline formation & regeneration

Her research organisms: Platynereis dumerlii & Pristina leidyi

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Kanata LabさんとLEVEREVEさんのSPLIT EP「Nereis」のイラストを描かせていただきました。よろしくお願いいたします!

692 3174

[🔥C96 8/12 南セ-18b🔥]

Kanata Lab / LEVEREVE()

Split EP [ Nereis ]
1,000円 (DL CARD)

速い x 重い x エモい🌊🏊‍♂️🌊

Illust :ノキトさん()
Logo design : レクさん()

42 92

Nest desertion: An anti-predator strategy of the Australian Fairy Tern Sternula nereis nereis. Claire Greenwell et al.


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Through J.D. Hooker, botanist William Henry Harvey received algal collections from expeditions to the Pacific and southern hemisphere, which he described and illustrated in "Nereis Australis" (1847-49), in via : https://t.co/NvxIHf9Gmt

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So good to be home. (Ophionereis porrecta)

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Last works i've to do ~
Mistral Nereis | Blueriest [pixiv] http://t.co/tQ0daiQ4qY

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