Luna, Ama, Gabriel and Adham are the protagonists of Omega Gang.
They call themselves like this to express their hopelessness for the future, with the Omega representing the end of time, the last in line. Preorder Omega Gang#1 at your LCS! Out for on May 24.

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요번 달 생활비가 좀 모자랄거 같아서
급하게 커미션 열었어요~😘

🎨시트지,3면도 - 9.0

🎨전신 채색 / 무채색 - 5.0 / 3.5
🎨반신 채색 / 무채색 - 3.5 / 2.5
🎨두상 채색 / 무채색 - 2.0 / 1.5

🫠 어렵거나 불가능한 종목 - 근육, 마초

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早晚各七遍不空羂索觀音菩薩的不空摩尼供養真言,無間罪業亦解脫。 蓮花化生,永不胎生,並能回憶宿世。# Vajracarya Shi Lian-ning#padmakumara#mantra#真佛宗#shengyenlu#grandmasterlu#truebuddhaschool#buddha#cognition
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