
10 43

simping for a nnk charac? … maaaaybe ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

1 6

i draw mi character in nnk

will draw my friends next after organizing my sched & files again

2 10

Created a gif of my nnk character. She be so cute.

0 1



26 100

Actually this is the same drawing... since I don't have time to draw anyway..
Congrats for Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds release for global ! I still prefer call it Ni no KuRo

1 8

> 朝起きたら遅刻確定だった時の律子さん https://t.co/C6wBRyTaYS

72 233

なにこれ> テニスの王子様の比嘉中のユニフォームを着ている我那覇響ちゃんが見たいです! https://t.co/qgx9UUVMpc

16 42

> いっぱい食べる高橋礼子さん https://t.co/aSQPpHQLua

12 33

> ご飯を食べる北上麗花ちゃん https://t.co/9eXiHwbMrJ

28 94

hello again nnk nation !! I never posted this

2 6

i was playing nnk2 on jp dub and noticed evan occasionally does a fufu laugh! very cute! which made me wonder how he will mature...

7 24

a thing i did for the nnk secret santa on tumb/r!

13 35



5 38

9位(RT101/Fav393):https://t.co/x8YjsEvXMw (comicand_com)
10位(RT89/Fav339):https://t.co/mc3BSzy7A2 (day_l_full)
11位(RT85/Fav325):https://t.co/uWhViFZmRM (nnk_knkr)
12位(RT99/Fav282):https://t.co/0EaoawotQu (Tango6256)

0 0

5位(RT24/Fav76):https://t.co/SwNOeUm01b (AR6E3f6Ti701NBl)
6位(RT28/Fav64):https://t.co/fMnyk4jb2e (myyo04)
7位(RT23/Fav67):https://t.co/uWhViFZmRM (nnk_knkr)
8位(RT24/Fav56):https://t.co/8o1Qsheumq (168Admiral)

0 0


49 155