YOOO HAPPY I'm proud to be me! 💛🤍💜🖤

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Happy Time to plug my art for the third time today >:)

Gonna include only digital art this time haha
Anyway because of art school these are AT LEAST a few months old
The 1st was from January, the 2nd from…April? The 3rd from Dec 2018 & 4th, Sep 2018

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cześć! mam na imię fran i rysuję furacze!
jestem też osobą nonbinary i dzisiaj obchodzę staram się szukać siebie i motywować się do walki o swoje prawa. chcę aby osoby, które są teraz dyskryminowane w naszym kraju mogły poczuć się bezpiecznie

2 12

I'm a couple hours late in my timezone, but happy always love yourself no matter who you are <3

1 7

Hi Im Castel, Cas for short, I'm a NBPOC who's a comic artist and writer!
I use They/He/She as my pronouns and im ace as fuck :^)

2 4


DID YOU KNOW: My game features a bunch of nonbinary characters in it, and also was made by a nonbinary character (me)

43 101

Happy I'm bo, ur local he/they lesbian chicanx artist who says 2 hell w/ consistency💖💖💖

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happy i would also like to share some of the things ive made :]
my name's cupid! i like drawing fanart and making animations!!

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