Le nuvole giungono fluttuando nella mia vita,non più per portare vento o tempesta,ma per aggiungere colore al mio tramonto
Mare d’autunno

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“Quanto a me,
le mie braccia son rotte
per aver abbracciato solo nuvole.”
Charles Baudelaire

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Che il sole dopo la neve
appaia, e le nuvole si tingano
di rosso
come schiave :l neve sui tetti
un rossore colorirà,
guancia di principessa.

Attilio Bertolucci, Da :Fuochi in
novembre ~Paese d'inverno

Jean Marc Nattier 🖌️

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Conosciute anche come nuvole fluctus, sono considerate anche una possibile ispirazione per il celebre dipinto di Vincent Van Gogh "Notte stellata".

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On the left “Lost in Blue Waves” 🫧
Inspired by Nuvole Bianche piano music.
• 1/1 for 0.35 $ETH

On the right “Valorous” 🫧
• 9/10 editions left for 0.1 $ETH each.


1 5

On the left “Lost in Blue Waves” 🫧
Inspired by Nuvole Bianche piano music.
• 1/1 for 0.35 $ETH

On the right “Valorous” 🫧
• 9/10 editions left for 0.1 $ETH each.


1 1

My work on

On the left “Lost in Blue Waves” 🫧
Inspired by Nuvole Bianche piano music.
• 1/1 for 0.35 $ETH

On the right “Valorous” 🫧
• 9/10 editions left for 0.1 $ETH each.

0 3

My work on

On the left “Lost in Blue Waves” 🫧
Inspired by Nuvole Bianche piano music.
• 1/1 for 0.35 $ETH

On the right “Valorous” 🫧
• 9/10 editions left for 0.1 $ETH each.

1 0

My work on

On the left “Lost in Blue Waves” 🫧
Inspired by Nuvole Bianche piano music.
• 1/1 for 0.35 $ETH

On the right “Valorous” 🫧
• 9/10 editions left for 0.1 $ETH each.

0 1

My work on

On the left “Lost in Blue Waves” 🫧
Inspired by Nuvole Bianche piano music.
• 1/1 for 0.35 $ETH

On the right “Valorous” 🫧
• 9/10 editions left for 0.1 $ETH each.

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