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Another 9 panel mosaic, this time of the Orion Nebula and the Running Man 🏃🏻💨
🌟 9(45x30s) RGB (3.5hr) -10C Bin2
⚪️ Baader L
🔭 #EdgeHD8
📡 #CEM40
📸 #ASI294MC Pro
🛠 Askar M54 OAG
📷 ASI174MM Mini
🛠 #ASIAIR Plus
#astrophotography #ukastrophotography
@NebulaPhotos Hmmm…. really torn between these two longest exposure shots. Both are single shots, each is 1000 seconds. Setup: ASI2600MC Pro, Eq6-r pro, TEC140, Optolong L-Enhance, ASIAIR Pro, ZWO OAG, EAF, ASI290mm mini guide. Saved to iPhone and simply editing in Photos.
10th attack!
Genasis just really make great pirates huh? Emmie (left) belongs to me, while Keel (right) belongs to @/OAG.Draws on IG, ~OAG-Draws on ArtFight!
#artfight #artfight2021
Feels like there would be potential for a billy oag struggle tweet accnt
OAG Making his "Traitor List"
Expectations Vs Reality https://t.co/NKlHe7YgrD
Messier 95,or NGC 3351, is a barred spiral galaxy located about 33 million LY away in the constellation Leo.
Tec 140 F7
Xpress Trius SX-694 Pro Mono
Astronomik LRGB Ha
iOptron CEM60 "Standard"
Copyright: David Wills
AAPOD2: https://t.co/9z8sohfTme
So my tweet was referenced in a OAG article and NO ONE TOLD ME???? Y'all are slipping, this is literally a highlight of my life.
@temi88u3u 主催者
フォローとRTお願いしますm(*_ _)m
#3スクゲリラ #荒野行動 #荒野女子
One of my favourite local band ever #OAG
【ライブ特設】5/26(土) ドイツ文化会館OAGホールにて開催のレコ発ライブ『ティンダーリアの種 10th Anniversary Acoustic Live 〜FEL FEARY TINDHARIA〜』ライブ特設サイトオープン!チケットはFC「シモツキンギルド」にて2/5より最速先行受付! https://t.co/qmJdtoj1Jx #ティン種10周年
【速報】2018/5/26(土)霜月はるかライブ『ティンダーリアの種 10th Anniversary Acoustic Live ~FEL FEARY TINDHARIA~』ドイツ文化会館 OAGホールにて昼夜2公演で開催決定です!チケット情報は近日中にお知らせ致します。予定空けておいてくださいませ(*・ω・*) #ティン種10周年