画質 高画質

Since Evelyne already has a demon form for her story, I wanted my obey me MC to have a different "form" for

considering her demon form markings were inspired by banshees, i figured her form for the new game should just be a banshee entirely!

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From Tears of Themis and Obey Me
Idk why these two just have me by the neck and they won't let go https://t.co/glfhGETnFe

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【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと8日💜
ディアボロ:やあ、ディアボロだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもうすんだかい?私は楽しみすぎて毎日バルバトスに今日が何日か聞いてしまって呆れられてるんだ。

368 1676

card???? character i meant help ive been playing obey me too much

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✨New Chapter Releases✨

📙Obey Me! The Comic

📙Makeup with Mud - 36

📙Do You Still Take Me for Better or for Worse?

And more!!
➡️ https://t.co/TJB1QzwZt7

25 171

Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is Leviathan from Obey me !
it is an autistic lesbian trans girl with bpd that usea it/she!
also has a special interest in ruri chan!

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ปกอัลบั้ม​ SS2
001 Prisoner​ Rotsuba Shuya
02.Obey (Instrumental)
03.MKDR -​Shuya​ Cover-
04.MKDR -​Shuya​ Cover-​ (Instrumental)
05.Your puppet forever -​Voice​ Drama-
“แบบนี้ดีแล้วสินะครับ​ ขอบคุณที่เข้าใจผมนะ~”

20 51

【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと9日💜
バルバトス:バルバトスです。#ObeyMeNightbringer のご予約はもうおすみですか?坊ちゃまがあなたにお会いするのを楽しみにしていらっしゃいます。どうか坊ちゃまを悲しませるようなことがなきよう、お願いいたします。

547 2550

💜 9 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Barbatos: Greetings, Barbatos here. I hope everyone has already pre-registered for as the Young Master is looking forward to meeting you all. Please take care not to be rude or sour the Young Master's mood.

693 4943

Pulling cards in obey me just for me to get Mammon hitting the good kush

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ok the obey me art had too many small complex details so take this scribble instead

guess who

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【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと10日💜
ルーク:ルークだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもう終わったか?

297 1422

if you play genshin/project sekai/ obey me/ Omori and obviously like anime
lets be moots
I'm also an artist

13 111

This twittеr account has been seized by the Party of Words. You have no choice but to obey.

31 126

My tastes in men are confusing-

- Smoker (One Piece)
- Niles/Zero (Fire Emblem Fates)
- Al Haitham (Genshin Impact)
- Lucifer (Obey Me) https://t.co/KucQvZazWO

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