"You.......you can't do that!"

What is something your OC did that others/fans of your book/comic didn't expect?

2 2

Oc questions: who had the fastest running speed of all of all your characters for me I think its s toss up between may and Camille

1 1

"Magic Eyeballs!"

Does your OC have an ability activated via their eyes? What abilities do they get?

2 24



I want to see some knights! Share your Knight OCs!

1 1

"Not The Best But The 2nd Best!"

What's the 2nd strongest character in your OC gallery?

9 29

"Spirit Power!"

Does your OC use powers/energy from spirits?

12 36

"I'm getting weaker......but it doesn't mean I won't stop trying!"

Did your OCs get progressively weaker in your story due to something? Did they compensate? Or did they retire once their abilities/powers were fully drained?

6 19

"Pulp Action!"

Is your OC a pulp action hero or someone who was from the 1920s-1930s?

4 12


When did your OC awaken or reawaken their power?

If it was reawakened how different was it compared to when it was awakened?

10 25


Does your character have any specific weaknesses?

(For this don't just say "Oh he's human." No, SPECIFIC WEAKNESSES pls.)

15 53

"Inner Darkside"

Does your OC have an inner Darkside caused by another being or power?

Did the being come out as its own persona later on or did it ultimately corrupt your OC?

9 33


"Okay, this is getting weird."

Did your OCs storyline/world kinda go in a different direction from where it usually went?

6 26


Assuming your OC/s belong in an organization, military group, etc, what number are they and what is their overall job?

12 44


What was a hero or villain in your story that was weaker than their opposite hero/villain but became their equal later in your story?

3 19

Growth Spurt!

What was the biggest change your OC went through? Either physically or mentally.

12 88



Your OC got hit by the stand arrow and has now developed a stand!

What's the name of it, its stats, and its special ability?

If hit by the arrow again what would be its requiem form and ability?

1 6

When is your oc's birthday? And if they like birthday cake, what kind do they like??

4 28

Thats ludricus!

Has your OC defeated someone in a super ridiculous/BS way either by themselves or by their own opponents doing?

2 21

The old vs the new

Has your OC protagonist ever had to face a protagonist that was in their shoes before?

2 17

"What does Linda's other half think of her daughter, Roza? And does she found weird of her mother's split personality?"

???: She's cute, and no, she doesn't find it weird of our split personality.

Roza: To be honest, I found it to be cool that mom has an alter ego.

0 2