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OOOH hi i draw occasionally ! mostly oc stuff but sometimes fanart !

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Oooh exciting! I'll drop ma main gal, an arctic fox named Robyn!

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Oooh I love to compare these!
Adding 2010 thing for fun
And now
I swear it's the same character 🤣 https://t.co/oVhnEcG5Ks

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OH OOoh wait I mis-interpreted this post I thought it was a MOOD thing lmao. Ayo ur of the MOTH gender? Thats soo cool!!

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Oooh they look amazing! Hopefully I get one ☺️ https://t.co/rJ3cxWxgvn

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Oooh! My first art train!

(sorry if I didn't @ you. I've got quite a lot of Moots, so I just picked the ones i new the longest) https://t.co/o2lb5yTfxi

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Oooh! Holy grail list (With some drawings to accompany)

Generation X!
Final Fantasy VII (or IX)!
Jet Set Radio (or anything rollerblading related)!
Avatar the Last Airbender!

TMNT would be up there too. https://t.co/fmx6chglZG

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Oooh, I still need to see that movie at some point. XD
I'd say you're Fizz, cause you're both playful, fun and energetic, and have your own little mischievous gremlin side. X3

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Oooh, they're one of my favorite Gunfire characters! :D
You're Yuumi cause you're a cat, a small gremlin, easily booliable, and need a magical caretaker to help you. X3c
But you're also caring for your friends and are willing to protect them and help them out too. <3

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Oooh I'd love to! Gonna leave some examples here <33

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Oooh, I've never seen Wow Wow Wubsy. And yeah, Dill from Rugrats sounds appropriate. >///<
I think Ornn fits you cause you can be a grumpy grampy sometimes, and you take time to warm up to strangers, but you're kind and caring deep down inside. <3

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oooh! This waiter thanks you for the opportunity

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Oooh, sudden gift. Thanks🫶

Faces, eh? I've got a few https://t.co/duREIWIIKA

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Oooh! Good morning 😍 This lovely cute couple is completely🔥SOLD OUT🔥
Thank you for your support
💜Collection "When love is for life"💜

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Oooh absolutely thrilled to discover you! Thanks so much for hosting <3

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Oooh! I'd love to see my oc in 3d!

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😉 "I got a selection of good things on sale, Tenshi!"
🤩 "Oooh, かっこいい~ How does that work??"

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Oooh this seems fun!!! How does a harpy character sound? 👀

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