The movie was NOT what y’all made it seem and I’m SO glad I watched it in the theatre instead of that leaked version. If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, GO GET THEM!#DragonBallSuperSuperHero

9 48

Got to see Dragonball Super: Super Hero in theaters, would highly recommend seeing it on the big screen. Really enjoyed it

4 9

Orange(absolutely hate the name) piccolo
Releases today in My country LET´S GOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Why tho?
A better name would be namek god o super namek or Dragon Power piccolo

18 154

Instead of one why not both‼️Orange piccolo and pan (post end of z )…I have to fix something’s in these drawing but here u go for now.

3 17

どうもありがとうございます/ Thank you so much Akira Toriyama, Toyotarou and the rest!!!! Finally Piccolo has a transformation!! I have dreamed of this since I became a fan in the 90's!!

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