Dinovember 22
Basado en el huevo fosilizado con un embrión de Hadrosáurido descrito hace unos meses

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205. Foosili
206. and 207. Dogbikini
208. lesbianwolf666

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A K177-N for NormalDisaster
A Birthday for L0V3S1CK
A Dr. Borosilicate for
A Bonomo for

4 6

I was borre and I started a draw with kosiliandr aka: stardust aka: Sophie DC

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Alice Randall - Eric Battle: Born in Africa – Mother of the World

Con Rocket, la historia trata sobre "Lucy", unos huesos fosilizados de África.

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雛ホシリーズの辛い感じのやつです - borosilicatey https://t.co/1e6sa8ZEKb

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da digne ustanak u Bugarskoj bio je i Crnogorac Anton Strahilov Podgoričanin - Černogorec. Nosili su zastavu na kojoj je pisalo “Sloboda ili smrt”. Fotografija se čuva u muzeju Boteva u Kaloferu

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Denice - benitoite
" Benitoite is a rare blue barium titanium cyclosilicate, found in hydrothermally altered serpentinite. It forms in low temperature, high pressure environments typical of subduction zones at convergent plate boundaries. "
mohs scale hardness - 6-6.5

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El "Unicornio de Magdeburg"

En 1663, se descubrió en Alemania el esqueleto fosilizado parcial de un rinoceronte lanudo y fue Otto von Guericke quien lo reconstruyó de esta forma xD

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(Vol. 6, 2021)


Rapture concept art by

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With you everything feel light , RosiliamLuova , digital, 2021 - /u/FelisagnaArt


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0 (Vol 1, 2014)



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My slice of the collab for 's birthday! I wanted to homage his drum kit, some Animal Crossing characters (Rilla and Sasha), a Pasta-tute (Floosili?), and poor Rui/Moisty. And Chat. Of course.

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Wielokrotnie prosiliście żebym pokazał swoją tapetę na komputerze. Nie wiem czemu, ale proszę bardzo. 😉

4 23

Petalite, also known as Castorite, is a lithium phyllosilicate mineral. It has a Moh's scale hardness of 6. Pelalite can be converted into quartz and spodumene through a special heating process. As such, it is useful in creating glass.

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Tanzanite, also known as Zoisite(which was first known as Saualpite), is a calcium aluminum hydroxy sorosilicate. It has a Moh's scale hardness of 7. Blue Zoisites are often artificially made through heat treating Brown Zoisites.

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Puede que incluso la razón por la que Seymour se fosilizó en vez de tener una muerte normal, fue porque en una linea de tiempo sí lo fosilizaron, solucionando así la paradoja.

En una linea de tiempo murió "feliz" y en la otra murió esperando. Su destino era morir en 2012

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