more Warbands, this time

Plan to get to a 100 minis by the end of the year 😁

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So, still not feeling the crawler, carried on a little with the cohort instead.

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😂😂😂 this is why I paint at home 😂#paintingwarhammer

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Finished up these two chaps for Think it might be time for a break from purple...

0 13

💫💖🌈 Painted the first test model today for my army!!! Lemme know what you think! I’m still debating how to paint the metallic parts on these ghosts, otherwise I feel pretty happy with this colour scheme

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Four more ghosts for and Good fun to paint, bit more room to work than the Chainrasps

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More on my for After watching a lot of I've started drybrushing the squigs -much easier!

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Some more ghosts for Airbrushed these at the same time as the last ones, but went back in with some extra white at the bottom. Slightly better. Think I'll leave the green fire too, as not sure it's really adding anything... thoughts?

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Nearly finished the 1st batch of squig hoppers! Really happy with them. Bases left to do

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Speed-painted Garrek's Reavers and tried some NMM on an axe covered with indents (probably not the best starting point...) for

4 13

Didn't quite get the effect I was going for with these guys, but learned some more airbrush related lessons. Didn't think I liked Nighthaunt and was just painting them for practice, but they are some great models...

3 12