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Just like normal paleoart, were super close to the true animal in some cases (right whale) whilst others are still in need of studying (rhinoceros)
I like to call this little art exercise “modern yesterday’s”

11 195

All yesterday’s asks “what if we reconstructed modern animals like 1900’s paleoartists?” With some pretty cool results.
But what if we reconstructed modern animals like 2020’s paleoartists?

139 1107

Quick study from a year ago today. Bonus unfinished caracara paleoart from last year too

17 143

Can't remember if this idea has been done before, it's a sphaerocone ammonite with a speculative pair of tentacles that tear off easily, used as distraction for predators.

52 315

Essa rocha tem dono 😉
Paisagem do período Permiano. Dois machos Dimetrodon repousam enquanto uma fêmea acaba de garantir o seu jantar, um Diplocaulus. Ao fundo, um par de Edaphosaurus caminha com tranquilidade.

77 362

Daeodon ~ dreadful teeth 🦷🐗
It’s a very extreme pose…but it’s been fun to play around with it!

45 349

Update: working on the rendering, I'm really proud of how this is turning out! I still have to work on the feathers tho

3 14

Forest Furtail (Sinosauropteryx crinitus)

Pretty much regular but with fluffier tail.

4 10

aaaaand done!!!✨✨✨
This is Tullimonstrum or Tully Monster, a critter from the carboniferous period that looks woofy and out from Spore and i love it❤️

2 21

On the topic of scary dinosaurs and feathers, I feel like we don't consider beady, crow-like eyes enough?

90 538

Many of the greatest and some of my favorite Tyrannosaurus art comes from . His paleoart shows the viewer the meaning of tyrant lizard king. You also get the sense of how huge and intimidating this animal must been in life by looking at the art.

75 429

I’m a trans paleoartist and comic artist.

Trans people aren’t a threat. We aren’t a debate. We’re human beings that just want to go about our lives.

Trans rights are human rights!

100 398

mioceratodus gregoryi snacking on a baby wallabe in Miocene Australia

44 311

As a triassic dicynodont once said, "If you're good at something, never do it for free." So I made a coprolitepost and put it on a t-shirt (and other stuff) for you to buy, thereby paying me, just as the prophecy foretold!

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Day 31 - Tyrannosaurus

~ Large Tyrannosaur that inhabited North America during the Late Cretaceous. Tyrannosaurus was a large carnivorous dinosaur that was considered to be the king of the dinosaurs, due to it's incredible senses of smell and sight.

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