We brought in to re-work the of I dunno if he really understands what we're trying to do, here...

4 10

Sorry that we've not posted new dev shots, lately - we've been busy working on the back-end! Here's some 2d art from the project to tide you over, in the meantime!

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Sorry that we've not posted new dev shots, lately - we've been busy working on the back-end! Here's some 2d art from the project to tide you over, in the meantime!

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is the birthplace of "Ben's Restorative Tonic" - a soft drink originally formulated as a - here are their logos through the ages!

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For the first 22 months of development, it was a project with a budget of $7/day.

I'm so grateful to the people who believed in our project enough to support it - and those who work with us in bringing this world alive.

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Tonemapping creates a far wider range of contrast & color - see how the lit areas really "pop" now, when you are in shadow.

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Doing another livecast, next week! Stay tuned for details!

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In the highlands of you'll find the Cathedral Woods - I think you can see how it got its name...

3 25

"In the heart of waters blue
Pure from slav'ry's stain
Our Island refuge rises true
And forever shall remain-"

"An Isle of Peace and Liberty
Where light and freedom shines,
Far from mainland's wretchedness
Among our Peaceful Pines."

1 1

What a year! Thanks to all who have lent support to our humble project in So much goodness is coming in

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has been under development for 2 years - for the first 18 months as an project. Looking back, I was CRAZY to think I could do this alone. SO GLAD to have the folks we work with, now!

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We finally got the "Targeted jump" working on the new alpha- allowing the to jump from roof to roof, for the first time!

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Got around to roughing out one of the most pivotal and secret interior locations in This is the only time I'll share shots of it via social media.

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Interiors, interiors, interiors. So many done- so many more to go.

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We're into the third day of roughing out interiors for Work has begun on 32 out of 70 individually-crafted interiors. Some, such as Greenwood Manor and the Island hotel top out at 3 floors!

We're taking the weekend off - see ya'll on monday!

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Roughing out building colliders/interior blanks. Boring, but it's gotta be done...

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