I'm back from break~ My pink pearl that I made in high school

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"And then they were together. They were new. She was new."

Allow me to formally introduce the fusion of Tin and Mercury to Finding Stars in Desolate Skies - Cheval~!

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Some old stuff from 2016. My own Lavender Pearl, my friend Harri's Euclase, and a commission of an Olivine and Celestine.

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Over the weekend I visited and we pulled dyed pearls from a bowl at random to draw Steven Universe-style Pearlsonas of them! It was fun 💗🌸💗

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I love designing different outfits for her! ^^

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For 💐~ Our pearlsonas are out here just having a peaceful moment and enjoying the beauty of PLANET EARTH!!!

This concludes my pearl interaction doodle series, thank u for viewing!! I'll post them all up on tumblr later

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pearl interaction doodle My pearlsona gets caught off guard by 's pearlsona's concern for her Q_Q <33
I have maybe 3 more lined up to do and then I'm gonna stop and post them all on tumblr in 2 photosets

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pearl interaction doodle Mine and 's pearlsonas just havin fun playing along with each other >v< happy halloween eve i couldn't resist the spooky lighting kekeke

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WHOOPS! I forgot to post this little pearl (and former friends).

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Pearl interaction btwn mine and 's pearlsonas 😊They're gently falling thru the sky...i like to think that Rosaline is telling my pearl abt the liberated life and that things are gonna be ok (and that they should fuse again keke)

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Pearl interaction doodle 😊 with 's OC's pearlsona!! The music they're composing is actually the first verse from the Love Like You piano sheet music arranged by ThePandaTooth, just thought I'd share that detail ;*

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(reupload) Pearl interaction doodle This one's with 's pearlsona! 🤩 They both have reasons to fear being noticed by a diamond so here they are waiting in the shadows until the coast is clear
I've got a few more pearls waiting to be drawn! Looking forward to it!! :D

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I'm not good at this pearlsona thing but oh well!

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