pic1: text2img
pic2: img2img using pic1
Click ALT for prompt.

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pic1. 井伊直政
pic2. 酒井忠次
pic3. 本多忠勝
pic4. 榊原康政


2 5

Same prompt running in WD 1.3 and Trinart
pic1 & pic2: Waifu Diffusion
pic3: Trinart
Click ALT for prompt.

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おなじみ「CLIP Interrogator」なんだけど、

生成されたプロンプト下の「Create a new Picture~」てボタン押すと画像生成までできる!

7 45

切れ長?の目にするには、half-closed eyesが良いのかな。今日はここまで。

3 15


Pic1 ポスター(B2サイズ)
Pic2 クリアフォルダー
Pic3 マグネット
Pic4 Tシャツ


※こちらは、FBM de la mer(ラグーナ蒲郡)会場での販売のみとなります

8 19

•(Pic1)#Sketch color,full body&❌bg with $50-80
•(Pic2)#Full color,full body&❌bg with $80-120
•(Pic3-4)#Amine color, thigh up with $60-80,full body with $90-130,bg+$25
TAT:1-2 month
Because Nvb4th is my birthday so all cms for will be 35% off‼️

15 44

Did you know? Lemres is a fictional character in the AskIsaak universe? but is a Real person in Rivet's universe?

Pic1: Lemers's super mutant AU
Pic2: Isaak and Lionel watching a movie/TV show staring Mutant!Lemres
Pic3: Rivet talking about "CLRMnd" Lemres's grafitty artist name

5 45

•(Pic1) color,full body & no bg with $50-80
•(Pic2) body-color & simple bg with $80-100.You can change your posture, sitting style and floral food in the back!
•(Pic3) Model $200-350,you can DM me if want to see more samples!💕

12 40

Old concept art

Pic1: (left to right) brothers, bireli and jaco burdland and captain Billie Sommers
Pic2: top swordplayer of the omnibus institution, Coltrane
P3: Nobel laureate physician, Leila bagh al-makki
P4: club owner and dj, El zeady

0 1

When draws:
Pic1: (kéké shows normal size dragon) -No! I want them BIGGER!

Pic2: (kéké shows MACRO size dragon)
-just perfect !!!

3 40

My dragon ocs 🐲💜
Pic1: Kenny💚🐲(base is by Krapette on DeviantArt)
Pic2: Keith💙🐲 (base is by Krapette on DeviantArt)
Pic3: Tia💙🐲 (base is by Krapette on DeviantArt)
Pic4: Violet💜🐲 (base is by Rianna-Drawer on DeviantArt)

0 3

Friendly reminder!
Nathrezim DOES NOT = Demon
pic1= Legion loyal Nathrezim AKA Dreadlord aka Demon
pic2= Uncorrupted Nathria loyal Nathrezim. Just called Nathrezim
pic3= a total weirdo light loyal Nathrezim aka Lightborn
pic4= side by side Nathria & Legion loyal. note the colors

2 6

// blood pic2

Hi wolfy!! I’m a big third life/last life/double life enjoyer! i make dumb memes but i ALSO do art! (as a bonus i’m also a phil enjoyer so if i’m not talking hermits i’m probs talking phil lmao) consider dropping a follow! (the last ones a collab with a friend :D )

0 51

all this great keyblades remind at the time where I had a rpg with a friend and we designed keyblade/wards mix thingis, what a great time 💖💖💖 ...best rpg ever🤩
pic1 first keyblades
pic2 new selfmade keyblades
pic3 ancient keyblades https://t.co/ay9Qxhk3jz

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Pic1 B4 upload
Pic2 After upload

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just sketches with Ostap and Edon bc I love them

- ?Wha?"
"-Ostap, my eyes are upo there
- Yeah, sure..."

3 11

They never use their stings or they die. Aditionally there're 20,000 species of bees and only APIS genus gives honey, and many don't have. A wasp will come next to you, but a bee as she stays on the flowers to fertilize the Earth. Oumaima, 100M years old fossil (pic2).

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