Maurice Sendak on creativity & the child in all of us

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You make my dopamine levels go all silly

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Raise your hand if you missed last week's

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RECAP of my 11th month of my daily is right here! -->

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I promise, no one dies alone b/c they didn't get a kiss on

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1606 Shskespeare's King Lear was performed @ the court of King James I

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A half-century of "Fiddler on the Roof" memories

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A city is trying to elect this adorable cat as its mayor

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What did you think of the Send us your thoughts & we'll try to read on air!

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Studies show women spend more on gifts than men

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There is great joy in the little things

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Looking for an artist to help with a new project. DM for details.

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It's not how much email you get, it's the lack of purpose in your life.

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12 passages on how Christians should treat immigrants, refugees

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The week in review, a roller coaster!

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may you have big dreams that you confidently follow

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