Hi, beautiful person.. You're handsome. Thank you. I'm handsome. Can I have your hand.

6 28

You're so cute. Thank you. You're handsome. Thank you for watching. Beautiful.

3 14

Hey, what are you playing? I'm giving uh, thank you. It's fun. Yes, I like it a lot. .


10 63

Hey...she hugged me, yes, she's handsome, she's a man, she looks handsome too. Thank you for being handsome.


9 45

Here she is a handsome man, yes I am handsome, you are beautiful too, give a man look, thank you.


10 29

Hey, is it delicious? It's delicious. I'm going first. Oh, what are you doing here? Let's take a walk.Oh


9 60

Na...hehe, I'm making cookies in me. Taste it a bit..it's delicious. I have a pretty face, don't you?

11 47

Here you hold me, are you heavy or not ☺️ Are you married? Yes, I'm married.


6 29

Hey you, I brought you flowers, um, thank you. What's wrong with your face? Why do you look so sad? Oh, why are you hugging my neck? Why do you want to hug?

6 20

Hey, you, I'm wearing this dress, beautiful or not, beautiful, and I'm beautiful too. If this dress is beautiful, look at our hands. It's beautiful.


10 46

Hey, I'm wearing this dress, cool or not, but I'm cooler, and you put your face closer to me, why am I embarrassed?



10 21