Paimon, emergency ration.

Had fun with this, tho pardon garbage background

Follow, Like, Share, and stuff!

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Cramming! Shat this out just minutes before the deadline for collab. Haha. Hope it goes well.

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Throwing in my doodle for the collab / contest by Tarantadong Kalbo. Fun stuff. Happy birth month sir!

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Redrawn my first web strip attempt. Hopefully this helps the cogs going.

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Got me a Ko-fi account. So, if your virtual wallet is weighing you down in anyway, I'd be happy to accept any donations. Proceeds will be added o my funds to help me get a display tablet.😅

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Doing some learning by redrawing bits from the I Hate Fairyland comics. Just love Scottie Young's art style. 🥰

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Done, more of I'm done with it. Don't want to tweak it anymore coz my back is needs a break.

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Tried some serious doodling on my phone. Shet, now I want that Samsung Tablet with the S-pen.

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Made this earlier less than an hour trying to get used to Medibang. Funny though I took several hours setting up Hoot Suite trying to post this.

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