
Title: I think I know that!
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

1 9


Title: I do not believe me?
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

1 15


Title: Why did you come from?Sssshhh.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

2 16


Title: He can't even get out of town.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

1 27


Title: Let's get on with this, kid.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

1 14


Title: The shell of the city.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

1 16


Title: I'll meet you at the boat show.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 20


Title: You've got a good excuse.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

1 9


Title: Four years ago you know.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

2 21


Title: So I say to her?
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

2 34


Title: I was on our tail.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

2 21


Title: Understand?! I have to go!
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

2 7


Title: He was an interesting case.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 23


Tomorrow is the day!

Title: So who do you ask?
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 13


Title: Pretty good name for you.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

5 15


Working on a celebration project for the upcoming 800-day completion day.

Title: Guess that's where I was going...
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

4 13


Title: When I came up alone.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

2 10


Title: How did I get stuck with the guy.
14 by 10 inches, 2022
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 12