some practice doodle w/ one of my old-ish(?) pokeask characters, the string bean meowstic w/ emo hair

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ive been working on building up my art stamina by updating khaos' blog again!
shes been one of my fave pokeask characters to draw, shes just so fun

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Sneak peak on a character for my pmd pokeask blog

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WHAT DO YOU KNOW? there's one more batch! a part 2 to this little fun thing on tumblr with the pokeask community!

1 5

Just doing a little fun activity with the Tumblr Pokeask Community, lovely Bunch! just playing with fun designs you could say ^^

(so much green XD)

0 1

Hey everyone! Me and are opening our discord server PokePalooza up for one day! We are mainly a pokemon/pokeask blog server but everyone is welcomed!

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i cant believe quill pokeask died

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redraw of an aryll from a few years ago b/c I am practically begging myself to remember how to draw my older pokeask blog characters

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🌜PokeAskSending Mini Replies🌛

Doodled two mini replies today for asks from PokeAskSending, I like doing stupid mini stuff like this haha
Check out the original artists who i replied to if you can!


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🌜Alli the Scrafty Reference, August 2020🌛

Another character for PokeAskSending!
If you didn't expect at least ONE scrafty on there you are mistaken.
Anyways, meet Alli a very timid storywriter


♠️#myart ♠️

5 15

🌜Simon the Aipom Reference, August 2020🌛

Another character for PokeAskSending!
A shitheel


♠️#myart ♠️

1 8

🌜"Basic" From PokeAskSending🌛

I made a new blog!
It's specifically made for sending out asks to others or having others request specific asks!
This is the mascot.
Their name is Joe Average or "Basic" a eevee


3 14

Wanted to do some self indulgment and draw something i never got to do on my pokeask blog....see HER smile 🥺

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💗Pokeask Blog BOOST💗

My best friend started updating!!
They need some asks/follows as they are tryna start up again!!
Give em a ask or a follow if you want to/have the time!

Desktop computer:

Desktop computer:

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💗More PokeAsk Positivity💗

I did a quite a few of these today haha
But follow these blogs if you desire!
They are all lovely!




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💗PokeAsk Positivity💗

Some stuff from my askblog,
Check out these PokeBlogs if you wanna!





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Out here really trying to learn to shade every image more often properly

trying to learn to do it quickly

I just want my PokeAsk Blog art to look better is that too MUCH TO ASK

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I made this potoo bird blaziken pic back when I owned a pokeask tumblr and so far I've seen it in a lot of furry/pokemon themed telegram stickers and used as a reaction image

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pokeaskblog edition

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fuck it i returned to pokeaskblog community

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