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A commission requested by a close friend of mine, ! It's Pokétopia, the hotspot for battling~
This was really fun to work on with each of the buildings being so unique! Thanks so much for the commission~

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"Bravery is the courage to face any fear!"
Gym Leader Ray and Staraptor gunning for the win!!

-Photo Creds to my artist

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Hey my Poke Peeps! We have already been given some region exclusives, which is your favourite regional exclusive! I really love the design on Galarian Ponyta, hoping to see some type reevaluations!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Two Day left until Sword & Shield! What Starter Pokemon will you be choosing? I'll be Team Sobble For sure!! Cant wait to see what else we get!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Personally I feel like there are some incredible abilities that have been underrated, Fluffy is one such ability! Which Pokemon deserves the Ability Fluffyl? I Think Tangrowth would be incredible!

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Hey my Poke Peeps! Some abilities leave a lot to be desired, Foreswarn shows one super-effective move on the opposing Pokemon! Whats your favourite Pokemon with the Ability Foreswarn? Mines Jynx!

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Rio vs Chuck, one of my harder and favourite battles from Pokemon Silver.

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Hey my Poke Peeps! I feel as tho Normal type Pokemon are often not used in competitive because they aren't super effective. Whats your favourite Normal type Mega? Mines Mega Pidgeot

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Hey my Poke Peeps! The addition of Mega evolutions gave some pokemon a new purpose in the competitive scene. Whats your favourite Mega Water Pokemon? Mines Mega Sharpedo!

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