which side are you on?

inspired by 's art, yall go follow him!

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The one and only strongest trainer in all of Adelso, champion Dakota, if Lance is the strongest dragon trainer then Dakota is the dragon slayer

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remixed pokemon that you'll find in the Adelso region; hunting Flygon, charged Ampharos, carnival Typhlosion, primal Feraligatr, and vow Meganium

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of course no pokemon game would be complete without an antagonist to throw yourself at so here are the heads of the rival royal families of the Adelso region, stalemated in war with eachother, Alexander and Augustus

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UB-ARK, the new ultra beast and its trainer Teddy, a pilot in the region's space force. The real body of Bastielezan is the guy in the green bubble, a pokemon that needs the green bubble to sustain itself, which provides its own atmosphere and nutrients.

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