This is my trainersona Abel i suck at the polemon style lol sorry anyways hes a pokemon breeder and also does contests but not nearly at a professional level just for fun. He also works part time as one of the jubilfe city poketech clowns

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For the I've dug out and sown (in newspaper pots) old packets of seeds incl. Geranium madarense, Osteospermum vaillantii, Polemonium caeruleum, Heliophila coronopifolia, Ferula communis, Setaria viridis 'Joanna Thomas' and Isatis tinctoria (the end of the Woad)!

2 20

Skuttle, skuttle! Klakka, Klack! Some more TKP spider tank doodlein'. Jeindel manufactured Late 4th gen Polemon light tank.

13 30

Alright it seems the top theee are in 1st place and and tied for 2nd and 3rd. Time to get drawing!

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