Над портал мерчем начала ещё работать. Вот брелоки

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grady!!!!!!!! i wanna get more into portal and felt like doodling some..robotic shit. it was rlly hard lol

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aperture science's 1998 bring your daughter to work day massacre

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Aren't they so cute? ^^
*picture of the wettest most pathetic looking guys you've ever seen*

They're sharing [brilliant ideas] together.

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Outsourcing Creativity: Chell hugging a Companion Cube from Portal! Thanks for the requests really like how this one came out!!!

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Also to post from Insta, my lil animation practice on FlipaClip.

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Well ... if the week went by too fast, I kept thinking and decided to use a reference to one of my favorite video games, those who understand the reference my respects, well here I leave the work that seems more for a poster xD

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Re played portal for like the 4th time recently
I love her, I wanna cosplay her again

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So... SOMEONE told me they will draw some kind of robot and the only robots I know of come from portal. Btw Merry Christmas ⛄🎄!


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