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らくがきです 早く解禁したい…

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heavens door

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Villes inclusives et vertes. Votre vision et pragmatisme nous conforte dans notre choix de lancer à l'ambitieux projet régional dont le but est de promouvoir le talent créatif et l'expression artistique des enfants au service des futures villes africaines.

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"Splendid Joiner" and "Abyss Rider" - - these two boast the greatest physical strength within the Interest, and while Rockwell is affable and Kumbhar brusque, a shared pragmatism and solemnity unite them. When not working, they often drink together

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Sesiones van y vienen y a pesar de que todo está listo, siguen sin desaforar al diputado pederasta de morena y al porro enriquecido inexplicablemente del PT. El pragmatismo y complicidad de un Congreso de vergüenza.

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🖌️ Cartón por | El pragmatismo de Ricardo Monreal...

15 22

Monreal es invisible.

Aparte de practicar el pragmatismo de extrema... derecha.

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The emergent New European Bauhaus (NEB) may illustrate a "utopian pragmatism" to rebuild a part of the "European House" with new &more trees. Symbols in NEB's docs. Metaphorically, also in this cover of one part of my research report w/ P. Cézanne in the route of cultural ecology

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Vitaen is a cruel and conniving gemstone Zorgoia who has spent an untold amount of years as an immortal vampire. His evil nature is only hemmed in by pragmatism, he's a bloodthirsty hedonist who sees mortals as only valuable as cattle or as playthings for his whims.

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Il est accompagné par son mari du même âge, Semkey Joden, qui, lui, préfère penser à leur survie plutôt qu'à celle des autres. Pragmatisme et logique sont de rigueur.

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🟢 Cartón por : "Entre afirmaciones de corte Franquista-Comunista, políticos (como Xóchitl) demuestran su pragmatismo ideológico".

5 8

Red (Megaman X7)—robot vigilante Yondu Udonta

The Arrows (Mainverse)—Heroic and Wholesome!

B.J. Blazkowicz (Pre-Machine Games)—Morals of Capt America, attitude of Vegeta, Pragmatism of John Wick

Black Shadow (Anime)

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Bringing back this old armor meme.

You can't design like that and think "oh it's armor", "it's FANTASY" or "but MAGICAL BARRIERS" (and then not use any in context).

Designing armor is always about *pragmatism*.

Wanna design metal bikinis, wharves.

You can't call that armor.

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